
Who is Ed, really?

Ed Sheeran (pictured above) is an English singer-songwriter. He is one of the best selling artists of all time and has sold more than 150 million records worldwide.

Word Frequency

After scraping all of the lyrics for every Ed Sheeran song, I found the number of occurrences for each word. Ed Sheeran has written 250 songs, with over 92,000 words. Below are the top 10 most common, but you can see the whole list here.

i: 3630

the: 3459

you: 2840

and: 2642

to: 1937

my: 1892

me: 1727

a: 1630

in: 1539

it: 1117

Pretty boring, right? Let's see what happens when we remove the most common words from the list.

Without 10 most common

you: 2840

my: 1892

me: 1727

it: 1117

on: 1028

love: 945

your: 886

i'm: 884

we: 878

with: 864

Without 100 most common

love: 945

i'm: 884

is: 598

oh: 509

don't: 496

night: 433

never: 411

it's: 382

yeah: 367

i'll: 336

Still a little boring. Let's see what else we can do.

Most Common Colors

Below is a graph showing all the color mentions in Ed Sheeran's lyrics.

Color names and codes from Wikipedia

Swear Words

Below is a graph showing all the swear words in Ed Sheeran's lyrics. What a potty mouth!

Is there any trend to Ed's usage of swear words? Perhaps he has redeemed himself with a negative trend.

Unfortunately, it seems that Ed's potty mouth is only getting worse. (Note: the sums for the two graphs are not equal due to swear words that are in songs that are not in the albums)

Individual Albums